Dog Kennel

Dog kennel
Von Liphier Dobermann Kennel, Bandung
PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Having been in dobermann breeding business for more than 10 years, Von Liphier Dobermann Kennel previously still used the old traditional way of marketing like advertisement in magazine, poster on dog shows, and mouth to mouth among the dobermann lovers. They brood and sold many doberman to various cities in Indonesia like Bandung, Manado, Bali, Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar and Banyuwangi. The owner also have a good relationship with overseas doberman lovers from Malaysia, Thailand and Australia. Often the potential buyers asked the owner about the kennel and dogs they have.

The owner thought the best way to publish the detail of kennel and its dog is throughout the Internet and ask for our help to develop one.

In 2004, we help them to develop their first web site. The web site provides database of all dogs for sale, in kennel, classified by sex and other criteria. The most difficult part of the development is the integration between dogs database and pedigree hierarchy. It implements PHP and MySQL to maintain dogs database that is used to generate hierarchy of dogs as required by standard dog pedigree. Now the visitors can review the detail of every dogs brood by Von Liphier, either it is for sale, already sold or in kennel. The owner also can use protected area to maintain the detail of the dogs.

The next plan for this web site is to build a marketing awareness over the Internet by placing it in good position for particular keywords in major search engine like Google and Yahoo.