Dive Shops

Dive shops
Bali Scuba, Bali
Abyss Adventures, Bali
PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML

Bali Scuba was founded in 2000 by two Indonesian SCUBA Instructors with years of experience in diving industry especially in Bali; initially their marketing efforts still employed traditional methods like through overseas travel agent and partnership with other dive shops.

Later on, in 2002, some expatriates joined this small but very reputable organization and since then they paid more attention to potential market they can acquire from Internet marketing. Terong.com web developer and their marketing person were collaborated to optimize the website for all major search engines but mainly focused on AltaVista and Google. The hard work eventually paid, their website was ranked very well and started to generate high traffic to it, and as the result they began to acquire some clients from Internet.

By the year 2003, 80% of their revenue comes from Internet based guests.

First quarter 2004, there are major changes in worldwide search engine industries, Yahoo no longer used Google and acquired Overture, AltaVista and AllTheWeb while Google made some significant changes on its algorithms. However, since their web site is quite optimized with practices stick to the guidelines, it was not affected at all.