Dive Club

Dive club
Kapal Selam Diving Club, Bali
PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML

This very active SCUBA dive club based in Bali regularly organizes diving trips to various premiere dive sites in Indonesia. The website was launched on May 2002. In the beginning, not so often there are diving trips, and if any, not so many divers participated.

However, as of 2003, the number of members exceeded 25 person and non members recorded in the database was more than 50 person. It was then decided to convert all static pages to dynamic web applications to allow more interactive features and able to handle more data and more complex data relationship.

Since then, members can update their own profile, administrator’s tasks never been easier to handle many tasks such as composing financial report and performing regular update based on club activities and membership.

Another highlight of this website is good search engine result position for many keywords related to SCUBA Diving Indonesia. It was initially optimized for Google and MSN search engine, but now the ranking is very good on almost all well known search engines.

Their web traffic nowadays is relatively high and successful in collecting SCUBA divers from all over the world to participate in club membership or its trips.